Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lake Titicaca (Isla del Sol)

Lake Titicaca is 3800 meters up at the border between Bolivia and Peru and is massive - one of those lakes that you normally can't see through to the other side even on a clear day. In the middle of it is the Isla del Sol (Island of the Sun) 4000 people live natively and a good bit of tourists head over there on boats for a couple of nights fro Copacabana, a town on the Bolivian side. It's called the Isla del Sol because the Incas considered it the birthplace of their sun god and they built upon the preexisting villages when they found the island more than 500 years ago. We camped over there - it gets really cold at night at 4000 meters, the highest point of the island - and walked along it for 3 days and 2 nights. The second night we camped along a beach near a small village on the island and the locals were constantly leading donkeys and pigs along from one point to another along the beach.

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